Thursday, February 26, 2009

New blade wrappers for collection

I've added a few new blades to my collection recently. I like the old graphics from the 1920's and 30's. If anyone has any old blade wrappers laying around in a box or drawer, let me hear from you. I may be interested in acquiring them from you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back to the Cold

My wife and I returned, yesterday, from Mt. Dora, Florida, after a few days in the sun. When we left Florida it was 79° and when we got home to South Carolina, it was 34°. Brrrrrrr. I'll be glad when spring arrives.

I believe I'll stay in today and work a little on my blade collection. I know there are names for people that collect stamps, coins etc. but I have yet to learn the term for razor blades collectors. If anyone knows if there is a name, please let me know.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday morning

It's Sunday morning and I just finished taking pictures of a few of my new additions to my razor blade collection. I primarily collect US blade but also have many foreign blades.

The Smith blades are what got me interested in razor blades. I now have over a dozen different Smith brand blades. I thought that collecting something small wouldn't take up much room. Well, over a hundred thousand blades later, I have a room full. I'm still finding blades that are not in my collection. Most are from the 1920's, 30's and 40's. As with most collectors, the fun is in the search. Most are not that vauable, a dollar or 2 each, but some can be over a hundred each. Before Gillette started buying the small blade companies, there was over 5000 brands of blades in the US alone and many, many more worldwide.
In future posts, I will show some more of my collection.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

First Post

Hi All,
This is my first post so I'll introduce myself. My name is Fred and I live in Fort Mill, SC. I'm retired and pass the time, mostly, with reading, fishing, staying in touch with friends and collecting various kinds of things. In later posts, I'll expand on these activities.