Jacob Eschler - Unassisted Triple Play

Jacob Eschler, playing for the Westside TBall Team 2 Burlinton Bees of Mobile, had an unassisted triple play in our game last night against the Owlz. Jacob had just came into play shortstop in the 3rd inning. The Owlz had runners on first and second and one of their big hitters at the plate. The batter hits a fly balland the runners take off. Jacob makes the catch, Out 1. The Owlz's base coaches are now franticlly trying to get the runner's attention to send them back to their original bases. Too late!!! Jacob is able to sprint to second base and step on the bag to get the runner from second baseout, Out 2. The runner from first is standing on second base, so Jacob tags him, Out 3. The Owlz are out of the inning with only 3 batters coming to the Tee and they scored no runs!!!
Way to go Jacob!!!